Paige Baker: Leading a Generation of Powerful Female Rockers

Event: New Years Eve at Waverly Beach

Location: Appleton, WI

Date: December 31, 2022

Active Members

National Women Rock Day is a time to celebrate the contributions of female musicians who have broken barriers and inspired countless others in the world of rock. No one is more deserving of recognition on this day than Paige Baker. Paige has such an incredible energy and stage presence that the band wouldn’t be what it is today without her. Her musical talent and success is an inspiration to women everywhere, and shows that women can dominate the rock scene just as men can.

Paige has long been an integral part of this group and our family. Boogie and the Yo-Yoz would not be the same without her and her hard work. Paige’s talent for rock, combined with her natural ability to draw people’s attention and her captivating movements on stage, is hard not to appreciate. She is truly a pioneer in women’s rock and music as a whole. 

So on this National Women Rock Day, January 3rd, 2023, let’s raise a glass to Paige Baker and all the female musicians out there who are breaking barriers and making history every day.

Video Credit: Cellphone video of Paige taken by a fan – Amanda W.