About Bill Tesch
While growing up Bill was part of his father’s various business endeavors including construction, land development and a cleaning solution manufacturer/wholesaler called Tesch Chemicals. Bill was introduced to the local music scene by his older brother Tom and their friends. His love of music stemmed from there, grew, and blossomed.
Bill met his girlfriend and future wife Lynda in Neshkoro, WI. They instantly fell in love and started their family. Bill and Lynda are the proud parents of 3 boys, Will (Jr.), Jake (Jacob), and Tommy (Thomas).
Bill and Lynda shared many interests and passions. One such passion was to help and mentor adolescents and try to relate and counsel them through the confusion that goes with youth at this developmental stage. Together they even went so far as to create a teen center in the Greenville community and provide a safe place for kids to go, have fun, and be with peers in a positive environment. The limits of Bill and Lynda’s philanthropy seemed endless. They constantly gave of themselves to help others in need often opening their home to other troubled youth.
Through the years Bill would develop his natural musical talent but only reveal it to very close friends and family. During the “formative” months of a musical group now known as Boogie and the Yo-Yoz, Bill offered his home as a safe place for these “kids” to rehearse. While the group was forming Bill would attend the meeting’s and rehearsal, and his love of singing and playing guitar took over. He was to become the oldest member of Boogie and the Yo-Yo’z at the age of 3_ . This group would go on to become the second highest grossing “show band” in the state of WI.
Bill would leave Boogie and the Yo-Yoz in 2002 only to return to the group in 2005 to resume his previous role. It was like he never left. Even though some of the members had changed, Bill fit right in and the rest of the group was reminded that once a part of the “Boogie Family” – Always a part of the Boogie Family.
On a cold April night Bill came home after shooting trap and didn’t feel quite right. Once home, Bill fell victim to a massive heart attack and was called to heaven at the age of 47. He has left behind a legacy of kindness, love, and music filled memories. The Bill Tesch Scholarship was born of these things. The entity known as Boogie & the Yo-Yoz and, in particular, current member Eric Peters and former member Scott Anderson have been instrumental in the creation of this fund. The group as a whole felt that there needed to be some way to celebrate this man’s life by doing something meaningful that helps people and the Bill Tesch Scholarship was born.
About the Bill Tesch Memorial Scholarship
After much discussion, it was decided that there needed to be a way to generate revenue for this cause. The idea was proposed to hold an annual concert /event in Greenville WI (Bill’s hometown) that would serve multiple purposes:

- It would celebrate Bill’s life and the man many knew and loved.
- Raise money for the scholarship fund
- Raise money for the Greenville emergency services that worked so diligently to save his live
- Raise money for his hometown through the civic organization that strives to make Greenville a great place to live
- Be able to do all this while enjoying music
These goals and criteria have come to fruition through what is now known as: The Summer Send Off – Bill Tesch Memorial Concert. Each year a portion of the proceeds from this event are deposited into the Bill Tesch Scholarship fund.
And the rest, they say, is history.